First off, he has super speed. That is his most well known fact. But, he has so much more that comes with that. He has superhuman agility, superhuman stamina, and superhuman reflexes. Basically, he has enhanced abilities that come with super speed. Agility for turns, stamina for running for extended periods of time, and reflexes since he can slow down his perception of time when in danger so that he can react quicker.
The Flash has this thing called the speed force. It is the thing that gives him all of his powers. When the speed force manifests around him in an aura, he gets superhuman durability and he can stand against powerful kinetic impacts without getting majorly hurt or injured.
Along with transcending speed, The Flash also has the power to phase through objects. Because he is so fast, he can vibrate his molecules so fast, that they fit through solid objects, effectively giving him the element of surprise against any enemy that he encounters.
The Flash is amazing because he can move fast. The faster something moves, the more mass it gets. Flash’s top speed, if he is straining every muscle in his body to be at peak performance, can go ten times the speed of light (which is 10 (2.99792458 x 108)). This makes him extremely heavy, according to physics. So, if he were to punch something moving at that speed, he could, hypothetically, pulverize it in one punch. This is called his Infinite Mass Punch, and it is one of the most powerful abilities and attacks in the DC Universe. Even though he can only do this ability once per battle, he can defeat, or render unconscious, any enemy he chooses.
The Flash also has enhanced senses and enhanced mental processes. This power comes from the speed force and makes him incredibly attuned to the world around him. Also, his mental process is so fast, he can process events in less than an attosecond (10-18). Let me clarify something for you. Light is extremely fast, there is no doubt about it. Light can travel seven and a half times around the world in one second. In one millisecond, it can climb the height of Tokyo Tower (which is 1,092 feet high). But, in one attosecond, light cannot even travel from one end of a molecule to the other end. And light is the fastest thing in the universe. So, if The Flash can perceive and process events in LESS than an attosecond, he has transcended speed.
He can also effectively fly. He can move his arms and body so fast, he can make mini whirlwinds that are so powerful that they can lift him off the ground and carry him. Also, he does not need a solid surface to run on. He doesn’t even NEED a surface to run on. He can run in the vacuum of space itself.
The Flash also has the power of electrokinesis. This power is the power to control electricity, electric current, and manipulate energies. When the Flash runs, he creates lightning when he runs (by-product of the Speed Force), so he can control it. There was an instance where the Flash could reach out for his lightning and throw it at an enemy. All of that energy consentrated in such a small area is enough to overcharge any person, and maybe even hurt a superhero.
The last of his many powers comes down to one of the most deadly powers of them all: time-travel and reality alteration. This could basically kill anybody who he met. He could just find their mom or dad, kill them before they were born, and they would cease to exist. The most devastating ability without actually fighting them 1 versus 1.
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