In this first project in World History, we needed to interview a family member, and then transcribe our interview with them. After it, we needed to annotate the transcription, and "code" it. Furthermore, we made a map on scribblemaps that corresponds with the coding we did for the transcript.
I have my interivew transcript, and my interview audio file. Here is the interview transcript:
This is an image that is a map about important things in my interview and important places where my interviewee remembers or has actually been to and is important specifically to them.
In this project, we were assigned a technology in the era of the Industrial Revolution. My team chose and got baking powder. We needed to do an annotated bibliography with websites that we got from researching the technology that we were assigned. Then, we needed to make a 3D sketch, and then a 3D model of the technology. We also needed to make a presentation for our technology for Exhibition. I will be showing you the 3D sketch and model, as well as the presentation.
Here is the 3D sketch that one of my team members made:
We made a 3D sketch of a baking powder can because that was the technology that we had.
Here is the 3D model that one of my team members and I made as an experiment against a lower tech item and our technology.
We made a volcano because we wanted to see if baking powder would be better at the reaction than baking soda, since baking powder has baking soda in it, so it should react more or less the same way. The photo ended up upside down and I had no way to fix it.
My entire team made a press release detailing how great our technology is, and how much more superior it is to older products like baking soda and yeast, for cooking. Here is the press release: