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Coding the Past Project

Coding the Past is the first project of the Spring semester. It includes information that we did in English 10 and World History and Yearbook in a website that we make in Computer Science. In World History, we had to pick a person to interview, interview them, then code the interview transcript. In English we had to make a self-layered portrait about ourselves and what we wanted to be in 2018. Then, we did a subject layered portrait for the interviewee that we picked in World History. If you click the buttons below, they will take you to both World History, English 10 and Yearbook. It will show you all of my work in those two subjects if you want to learn more.

A Timely Solution

A Timely Solution is the second project of the Spring semester. It includes things that we did in English 10, Yearbook, and World History. In World History, we were split into groups and assigned a Industrial Revolution technology to research. In English and Yearbook, we picked a picture of a random point of the Industrial Revolution. We had to make a poem and a collage or art piece and then make an artist's statement on it. We had to do this again for a couple social media articles we chose. If you would like to learn more about this project or the project above, click on the corresponding project and it will explain the first project on the top, and the second project on the bottom.

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